NER BECK: A Winter Flower Photography Exhibition

This exhibition has closed
January 3–March 14, 2023
Morningside Heights Library
Fully Accessible

With the winter sun setting way too early, and with the cold days dragging on, we could use some uplifting in the mood and spirits department of our brains. Flowers can add color to these gray dismal times. They can give us happiness with their sensual palette of colors and elegant scents, that they have always shared with us in warmer times.  These flowers can be gentle or aggressive, sad or funny, soft or prickly. So the next time you cut or care for your blooms remember to enjoy the pleasure they have always given to us all year round. So until we flip the calendar pages towards everyone's long awaited spring, stop by the Morningside Library at 113th and Broadway and see if it helps.

This page only shows a sampling of the over twenty photographs on display, but there are many more to see and enjoy.

Time is Running
Alien Orchid
_I am a Flower_
My Favorite Color
Lady Corsage
Conflict in Ukraine
Nature Fights Back
Global Warming
End of Day
Ghost Rose