Films at the Schomburg: Not Yo Mama’s Movement (U.S. Premiere)

Date and Time
October 26, 2016
Event Details

Rokhaya Diallo, Afro-Parisienne journalist, antiracism activist, and award-winning filmmaker, turned her camera on an emerging generation of black activists who, in the wake of the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, were able to mobilize international opinion in favor of the protests in America. Although France is confronted with similar problems, the victims of French police brutality have not benefited from the same media attention.  Not Yo Mama’s Movement explores the similarities and differences between the racial situations in the U.S. and France and how today’s activists navigate building movements for change. A discussion with the filmmaker Rokhaya Diallo, Shaun King, and Amal Bentounsi will follow the screening. The conversation will be moderated by Lumumba Akinwole-Bandele, Senior Community Organizer at the NAACP-LDF and educator from Central Brooklyn.

This program is presented in partnership with The March on Washington Film Festival (MOWFF), a production of The Raben Group and EGM NY Production.

@SchomburgCenter #NotYoMamasMovement

For free events, we generally overbook to ensure a full house. All registered seats are released 15 to 30 minutes before start time, so we recommend that you arrive early.


Please note that holding seats in the Langston Hughes Auditorium is strictly prohibited and there is no food or drinks allowed anywhere in the Schomburg Center. 

Please send all press inquiries (photo, video, interviews, audio-recording, etc) at least 24-hours before the day of the program to Angela Montefinese at

Please note that professional photography and video recordings are prohibited without expressed consent.